Promoting Pre-Literacy Skills in Infants and Toddlers

Courses : 

Course Introduction

Many studies over the past decade have shown that the early years, from birth to age 3, form an indelible blueprint for your child’s long-term learning success. Early behaviours and skills associated with successful reading development form pre-literacy skills in young children. Guiding infants and toddlers in language and pre-literacy development is unlike the structure classroom for the pre-schoolers. Before children can read and write, they need to learn about sounds, words, language, books, stories and songs. Teachers play a vital role in helping young children with pre-literacy development. Through this interactive workshop, educarers will learn to use quality interactions to scaffold infants and toddlers in developing their language and pre-literacy skills Participants will gain insights and strategies to plan and support infant and toddlers’ language and pre-literacy skills development through Practical and hands-on activities conducted in the workshop.

Learning Outcomes

  • Use quality interactions to scaffold infants and toddlers’ language development.

  • Use the Early Years Development Framework (EYDF) to plan and create pre-literacy activities for infants and toddlers.

  • Work with families to enrich the children’s learning experiences.

Course Details

Who Should Attend : School Principal; Teachers;
Medium of Instruction : English
Course Duration : 7 Hours (1 day)
Course Fees / Pax : RM580
Trainer : Masliah Binte Abdul Rahman
Mode of Delivery : Online Class via Zoom

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