Harnessing Play for Intentional Teaching

Courses : 

Course Introduction

This two-day interactive workshop focusses on harnessing play for intentional teaching by using a ‘Play Kit’ designed and packaged with an objective to implement and incorporate play into the curriculum for children ranging from 4 years to the age of 6. The sessions will help to reinforce the importance of play development in young children and its relationship to learning. The interactive activities in the sessions will be focused on; the quality of play, play as a means of self-expression, and play as a channel of communication in achieving social sense in early childhood care and education. Relevant theories, latest researches and policies related to play encompassing the effects of culture, media and technology will be examined alongside the play activities. Emphasizing on the value of play in relation to holistic development; cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development, of young children.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the functions and values of play in the holistic teaching and learning of young children.

  • Implement intentional teaching by means of the ‘Play Kit’, which is designed to harness play encompassing all the six areas (DOW, NUM, L&L, SED, MSD, and ACE).

  • Apply principles of learning through play, using the interests and abilities of young children incorporating all six areas based on the NEL.

  • Develop their professional skills covering some of the core competencies based on the four core knowledge areas of CPDF.

  • Provide inventive and imaginative strategies and approaches for working with the inherent creativity of young children that would enhance by means of aesthetic and creative, motor skills development, social and emotional development, discovery of the world, numeracy, and language and literacy skills.

  • Linking play theories and activities to emerging understandings of the development of the human brain based on contemporary research findings.

Course Details

Who Should Attend : School Principal; Teachers;
Medium of Instruction : English
Course Duration : 14 hours (2 days)
Course Fees / Pax : RM880
Trainer : Koh Siew Yong (Michelle)
Mode of Delivery : Online Class (Zoom)

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