GO E A S T (Experience Arts & Science with Toddlers)

Courses : 

Course Introduction

Young Children are naturally curious. This sense of wonder drives children to observe, explore and act on their ideas. As children explore, work and experiment with nature and material in their environment, they discover and observe changes, cause and effect, patterns and seeing relationships between objects. Young children construct scientific concepts and knowledge through these natural explorations. The use of art and natural materials is a great way to work with young children to encourage exploration with materials and motivate construction of knowledge. This workshop provides hands-on opportunities for Educarers to explore and experiment with art materials; and learn to plan activities to lead young children to discoveries such as cause and effect. It is aimed through observation of children’s skills, careful planning and guidance, children will be motivated to explore, discover and have fun.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Recognise the importance of sensory experiences, exploration and play in young children’s growth and learning.

  • Explore how science process skills can be integrated with arts explorations.

  • Develop age-appropriate activity that integrate science and arts elements.

Course Details

Who Should Attend : School Principal; Teachers;
Medium of Instruction : English
Course Duration : 7 Hours (1 day)
Course Fees / Pax : RM580
Trainer : Masliah Binte Abdul Rahman
Mode of Delivery : Online Class (Zoom)

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