Discipline Without Tears -A Guide to Understanding, Guiding and Managing Young Children

Courses : 

Course Introduction

The course is designed to help teachers and parents of young children to guide their children to optimum development through effective guidance and management of young children. The course helps prevent war zones in the classroom and also in the home.

The course will equip participants with the knowledge behavior options for young children. It will also provide them with skills in terms of understanding, guiding, managing and counseling young children with reference to academic and behavior goals.

  • Understanding the causes of behavior in young children.
  • Looking at theories that explain behavior of young children.
  • Looking at preventive strategies.
  • Looking at strategies that help young children behave.
  • Managing young children who misbehave.
  • Conducting effective parent-teacher conferences.
  • Counseling parents and children.
  • Creating positive learning environment in the classroom and home.
  • Handling hyperactive, short-attention span and aggressive children.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Understanding the causes of behavior in young children.

  • Looking at theories that explain behavior of young children.

  • Looking at preventive strategies.

  • Looking at strategies that help young children behave.

  • Managing young children who misbehave.

  • Conducting effective parent-teacher conferences.

  • Counseling parents and children.

  • Creating positive learning environment in the classroom and home.

  • Handling hyperactive, short-attention span and aggressive children.

Course Details

Who Should Attend : School Principal; Teachers;
Medium of Instruction : English
Course Duration : 7 Hours (1 day)
Course Fees / Pax : RM580
Mode of Delivery : Online Class (Zoom)

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