Responsive Caregiving and Identity, by Knowing Social –Emotional Milestones

Courses : 

Course Introduction

In this workshop, participants will learn how to read and respond appropriately to infants and toddlers in their care. Understanding the social-emotional milestones of young children helps educators to be more responsive and effective in how they interact with them.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • The 3 Ages of Infancy – what to expect of infants and toddlers at different ages and how educators use this understanding stage to become responsive to each age.

  • How infant educators respond to children is influenced by their own feelings. It is helpful to become aware of one’s own feelings and emotional reactions to situations that arise in child care.

  • A ‘’ responsive process’’ that helps them get more in tune with the children. There are three steps to this process, ‘’watch,’ “ask,” “and adapt.”

Course Details

Who Should Attend : School Principal; Teachers;
Medium of Instruction : English
Course Duration : 7 Hours (1 day)
Course Fees / Pax : RM580
Trainer : Charlotte Wong
Mode of Delivery : Online Class (Zoom)

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